
当你住在校园里时,你离LR所提供的一切只有几步之遥. 课程、朋友、设施和服务都在步行距离之内. 此外,你将体验到与拥有相同学术目标的人一起生活. 你会发现一个有趣的,有爱心的社区和一种被接受的感觉.

探索全球网赌十大网站的 虚拟校园游 了解更多全球赌博十大网站的校园和 LR房屋选择 一年级和高年级学生.

  • 新学生宿舍

    All new incoming students will receive an email from the 居住生活 Office once the student has a valid Lenoir-Rhyne email address established. The email from the 居住生活 Office will contain a link to complete the freshman or transfer housing application, 取决于学生的分类. 此申请表需要所有新生填写, 即使学生计划住在校外.

    学生可以在此申请中请求特定的室友. 另外, there are questions on the application asking about 房间mate characteristics. 如果学生不知道他们想和谁住在一起, 然后,这些问题将有助于确定哪些学生将在住房中配对.

    一旦申请完成,学生需要提交申请. All housing assignments and 房间mate information will be sent to new incoming Fall semester students via their Lenoir-Rhyne email at the end of June/beginning of 7月. All first-year students beginning in the Spring semester will receive their housing assignment and 房间mate information via their Lenoir-Rhyne email in December.

  • 住房分配

    这所大学在分配房间/宿舍方面不会有差别. The 居住生活 合同 is for residence in campus housing and not for a particular accommodation, 房间, 宿舍或室友. 然而,考虑到学生的喜好和要求. The university reserves the right to assign 房间mates and/or to change 房间 or hall assignments, 包括腾空空间时的占用合并.


    学生可以在指定的时间更换房间. These dates are publicized through the 居住生活 工作人员 via e-mail, postings and/or by mail. 学生 desiring to move to a new 房间 must follow procedures as directed by the 居住生活 Office to formally change 房间s.

    A student making an improper 房间 change is subject to a fine and may be requested to return to the appropriate assigned 房间. 宿舍生活办公室必须批准所有的房间变更.

    当一个学生独自住在双人间时, the university reserves the right to assign a second occupant to that 房间 or to charge the student a single occupancy fee.

    如果一个房间的居住者搬离或未能按计划进入LRU, 剩下的居住者必须完成以下工作.

    • 如果学校有室友的话,接受另一个室友
    • Select a new 房间mate from the same residence hall who also does not have a 房间mate
    • Move into a new 房间 in the same residence hall with a student who also does not have a 房间mate
    • 支付额外费用以保持房间为单人间. 如果其他学生需要校园住房,则可能无法使用此选项. 因为新生不是住在摩根就是住在伊森霍, 他们没有支付单人间的选择.


  • 住房合同

    A residence hall damage deposit of $200 will be assessed with the fall semester's billing. 押金在学生停止在校园内租房后退还, 等待可能累积的任何损害指控.


    The residence hall contract is for the entire academic year, through the end of the spring semester. The residence hall contract obligates the student to live in the residence hall for the entire academic year, 或者是在秋季学期开始后报名的, 这个学年剩下的时间. 夏季学期被视为一个单独的协议.

    学生 may occupy an assigned space from the date designated as the official opening of campus housing to the date designated as the official date and time of the residence hall closing. Residents are to vacate their 房间s no later than 24 hours after their last exam each semester. Graduating students residing in the residence halls will be provided housing through commencement without additional charge.


    If enrollment at the university is terminated for any reason during the course of an academic term, 入住者必须在24小时内搬出指定的房间和宿舍.

    类似的, if the university decides to terminate the residence life contract for disciplinary reasons, 入住者必须在24小时内搬出指定的房间和宿舍. Violations of residence hall or university policies are considered sufficient grounds for immediate termination of the residence life contract and removal from the residence halls.


    学生 not required to live on campus or not enrolling in the university must notify the 居住生活 Office in writing by June 30 to cancel this agreement. 6月30日至8月1日期间取消的合同将被罚款200美元. 合同s canceled after August 1 or during the academic year will be assessed a $600 fine.

  • 学生宿舍安全

    The Lenoir-Rhyne campus is monitored 24/7 by well-trained public security officers who do regular patrols of campus to ensure the safety of all Lenoir-Rhyne students.

    校园里所有的宿舍都配备了刷卡或密码. 学生 are only given access to their particular residence halls to confirm that only people who live in the building are guaranteed access.

    在每个宿舍, there is a resident assistant (RA) on every floor that serves as a student resource. 另外, each residence hall has a residence director (RD) who is a graduate student at the university who oversees the resident assistants in the building. 驻地主任和驻地助理, help ensure the safety of the building and are trained to handle a multitude of situations.

  • 参观学生宿舍

    考德威尔社区学院 & 技术学院和卡托巴谷社区学院

    Enrolled students who are in good academic and disciplinary standing have the opportunity to apply to live on campus at Lenoir-Rhyne University. Interested students should complete an application and submit proof of full-time enrollment at their community college.


作为一名转校生, the counselors and professors have worked with me to decide what I wanted to major in and draw out a detailed map to help me reach that goal of getting a bachelor’s degree.

Six members of the grant writing team for the Noyce scholarship program stand in the George Hall lobby

通过罗伯特·诺伊斯教师奖学金计划颁发, the funds will diversify STEM education by providing scholarships for Master of Arts in teaching students specializing in STEM subjects.

三个年长的学生在Joe's Coffee聊天

The honor roll recognizes colleges and universities around the world that are creating innovative and effective support strategies for transfer students.
